This recipe comes from Jenny Rosenstrach, whose blog dedicated to family dinners, Dinner: A Love Story, became a book. Make a triple or quadruple batch,...
Baking in salt is a sneaky way of splitting the difference between steaming and roasting. The layer of coarse salt and egg whites is there to seal in moisture....
Chef Marcus Samuelsson shares this taco recipe, saying it's the freshest fish you can find that works the best and that you need a very hot grill for optimum...
There's no raw fish in these easy sushi rolls-just succulent, perfectly cooked salmon and plenty of fresh vegetables. For our food editor's tips on how...
Use the freshest white fish you can find for this recipe. Stuffed with lemons and thyme, it cooks in no time on the grill, which makes for an easy dinner....
Cranberries are one of the few fruits native to the northeastern United States, growing wild in bogs and swamps. Cranberries have become a staple at holiday...
Steamed fish needn't be boring: Here salmon fillets and blanched cabbage are rolled in cabbage leaves. The little packages are steamed, then served over...
Fish tacos often involve deep-frying and heavy sauces. But here, broiled tilapia is topped with a crunchy radish salad and zingy cilantro-lime sauce --...
This light and refreshing salad makes for a perfect warm-weather meal when avocados are in season. Recipe courtesy of Emeril Lagasse, "Emeril 20-40-60...
Emeril prepared this catfish recipe from his new book, " Emeril 20-40-60," as part of a live cooking challenge on "The Martha Stewart Show." He also made...
No visit to the Gulf Coast would be complete without a po'boy. These humble sandwiches, filled with meat or fried seafood, have evolved from a workingman's...
Honor the Italian-American Feast of the Seven Fishes with a pot of seafood stew perfumed with orange and saffron. This version switches out pricey lobster...
A stir-fry is great for a quick weeknight dinner -- to make the meal even speedier, cut the cauliflower and bok choy ahead of time, devein and peel the...
Here's an easy and healthy one-pot dinner with salmon fillets. Stateside there isn't much name recognition for kedgeree, but across the pond it is a beloved...
Flaked hot-smoked salmon stands in for bacon in this twist on an always-popular dish. Originally developed as a side, this Smoked-Salmon Potato Salad With...
Toss wok-seared shrimp and vegetables with steamed rice for a dish that features classic Thai flavors: garlic, ginger, lemongrass, scallion, and chile....
Controlling a charcoal grill's air supply is key to avoiding flare-ups. Keep it covered when cooking the fish, with the top vent closed. Keep the bottom...
Salsa rustica is an Italian-inspired blend of fresh herbs, capers, vinegar, and oil. Here, it's made with parsley and used to dress a sheet-pan supper...
Everyone knows steamed fish is heart-healthy -- the trick is making it appetizing, too. In just 20 minutes, dish up an elegant supper from the microwave....